ProHealth - Medical Health Dashboard

Provide digital healthcare with a telemedicine platform that gives you flow


The client required a user-friendly and strategic interface for a platform used by medical professionals to manage and monitor neurological patients’ recovery. Also, they wanted to unify branding across their patients’ app and web platform for medical staff, showcasing professionalism, convenience, and consistency.

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Our team ensured an intuitive UI for the nyra health web platform, simplifying patient data presentation. We restyled their iconic brain-logo, while refining its design for a more established look. Additionally, our team integrated visual elements from the web platform to ensure consistency across the client’s products.

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Client’s results.

With a successful, user-friendly mobile app already in place, the client aimed to go further and design a web platform called “nyra insights” for medical professionals to monitor and manage their patients’ recovery. We complemented the client’s well-designed UX by developing an industry-specific, solid, and easy-to-use interface. As a result, the platform’s traffic grew by 16%.


Traffic increase


Customer Growth


Conversion Rate
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ProHealth - Medical Health Dashboard